Effectively Wild Episode 1592: The Roger Angell Centennial Celebrationon September 18, 2020 at 8:08 am

Effectively Wild Episode 1592: The Roger Angell Centennial Celebration

In honor of New Yorker writer and editor and Baseball Hall of Famer Roger Angell’s 100th birthday, Ben Lindbergh, Sam Miller, and Meg Rowley discuss what they admire about Angell’s life and work, how he’s influenced their writing, and a few of their favorite Angell works. Then (26:22) they cue up a collection of original, recorded tributes to Angell from a distinguished group of baseball writers.

Audio intro: The Swinghoppers & Wolfgang Lohr, “Party Like it’s 1920
Audio interstitial: Matthew Grimson, “Prize for Writing
Audio outro: The Moody Blues, “I Never Thought I’d Live to Be a Hundred

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