Effectively Wild Episode 1571: Does the Automatic-Runner Rule Rule?on July 31, 2020 at 10:19 am

Effectively Wild Episode 1571: Does the Automatic-Runner Rule Rule?

Ben Lindbergh and Sam Miller banter about family members not attending big league debuts and how teams and broadcasts could make better use of empty ballparks, audible profanity on the field, the rapid change in public opinion of the extra-innings automatic-runner rule, why the rule works as well as it does, the magnitude and causes of the pitcher injury spike through the first week of the season, the desirability of TV cameras mounted on drones, the difficulty of walking straight while blindfolded, and more, plus a Stat Blast about expectant parent Mike Trout‘s reputed penchant for leading the league in a variety of statistical categories.

Audio intro: The Rolling Stones, “This Place is Empty
Audio outro: The White Stripes, “Expecting

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