8:02 |
: Good evening!
8:02 |
Last night’s game was the only 9 inning game in that short list… can we quantify whether that was indeed the craziest 9 inning WS game? |
8:03 |
: I actually have something on this for the morning.
8:03 |
: I’m already dreading this series for Kershaw and Dodgers. Instead of reversing the ‘narratives’, game 4 ended up enforcing all of them. Now they have to rely on Kershaw to be super human – again – to reverse the tide and pitch until his arm falls off.
8:03 |
: Every playoff series has an awkward narrative.
8:03 |
: I have no memory of last night. Please, no one tell me what I missed.
8:03 |
: Hello Dan. Hello fellow baseball fans. (Dan is a baseball fan fellow, as well.)
8:04 |
8:04 |
: Hey David, how’s it going?
8:04 |
: Tonight can’t possibly b as fun as last night. Right? Maybe not right.
8:05 |
: Depends on the team you’re rooting for. The last few innings were bananas and wonderfully tense baseball at its best.
8:05 |
: Me, I’m fine with either team winning!
8:05 |
: Kevin Cash earlier today: “It was pandemonium last night. The ball was being thrown around all over the place, kicked around; Randy is falling. It was a pretty fun night — certainly for the Tampa Bay Rays — and a good night for baseball as a whole. I would imagine that’s the type of game fans want to see.”
8:05 |
: May not be quite as fun for Rays/Dodgers fan.
8:06 |
: For some reason, Brett Phillips needing some clubhouse medicine after exhausting himself just makes the legend of last night greater!
8:06 |
: Dave Roberts admitted to being shellshocked after the winning run scored, but “yesterday was yesterday and our focus has to be about today — today only.”
8:07 |
: He might deserve to be manager of the year if he can actually get his team to not think about yesterday!
8:07 |
: And he’s certainly gotta be thinking about Jansen. His location was a disaster and he was out of options trying to put away batters.
8:07 |
“Actually I slept well. I had a little help, but I slept well. Some medication. I slept like a baby.” |
8:08 |
: I don’t have kids, but from what people who I know who have kids say, sleeping like a baby isn’t that great.
8:09 |
: Though my one-year-old nephew seems to sleep well. I didn’t know putting babies in sacks to sleep was a thing, but apparently it is!
8:09 |
: How hot is Dave Robert’s seat right now?
8:10 |
: It’s gotta be at least warm. At some point, someone always faces the axe when there’s disappointment.
8:10 |
: Tyler Glasnow said yesterday that he doesn’t need to make specific adjustments against Dodgers hitters, he simply needs to execute his pitches better than h did in his last start — especially early in the count so that he’s working ahead. If he does, he feels he can match up against anybody.
8:11 |
: Markus Betts continues to be good at baseball.
8:12 |
: pretty close to ideal start for the Dodgers
8:13 |
: David, do you watch Peaky Blinders? Someone on Twitter yesterday made a comparison between Cillian Murphy and Tyler Glasnow that I can’t un-see now.
8:13 |
8:13 |
: If LA loses today do you think they throw Bueler in G6? Or save him for G7 know that they’d need to win both anyway?
8:13 |
: Kevin Cash was asked today if the Rays need to start pitching around Kyle Seager. He said that with the Dodgers’ lineup, they’d be asking for trouble if “they get cute and try to pitch around guys.” Might want to rethink that one.
8:14 |
: I have never heard of Peaky Blinders, nor of Cillian Murphy.
8:15 |
: I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen Corey Seager make an out
8:15 |
: Definitely check it out if you get a chance, it’s a period British gangster show. And at like 30 episodes, which is like 20 more than any English show in history.
8:15 |
: Sam: In the field!
8:16 |
: I was in the left field bleachers for Game 1 2000 World “Subway” Series, Yankees over Mets, one of the longest WS games in history. Twas fun, lot of crazy stuff happened. Last night watching on the telly with you folks was as entertaining.
8:16 |
: Corey Seager, David?
8:16 |
: I’m bad on Seagers.
8:16 |
: I call Bellinger Clay all the time.
8:17 |
: Which is weird given that his dad wasn’t a prominent player.
8:17 |
: But I also refer to both Romines as Kevin sometimes.
8:17 |
: ”I’ll be watching Kershaw closely until the first sign of trouble. Then I’ll bring in our secret weapon: Pedro Baez”
8:18 |
: The only thing worse than a long Pedro Baez appearance is a *short* one!
8:18 |
: I’m confused about why everyone is down on Jansen. He looked good last night, even if the results weren’t there. Was hitting 93-94 with good movement. #shrugs
8:18 |
: The velocity was there, but look where both the hits were. Center-in and there’s no way those were the intended locations.
8:18 |
: Better hitters, especially than Phillips, could have *really* turned on those.
8:19 |
: Dan, that is a OLD movie reference. I do appreciate it, but am dreading to think how many on the chat would recognize it..
8:20 |
: Hey North by Northwest was nearly 20 years before I was born. Age is no excuse to have not seen it!
8:20 | : The location on Jansen’s cutters were not the indended spots. |
8:21 |
: Yeah, that’s about what I was thinking.
8:21 |
: Fun fact: Corey Seager had 44 doubles and 44 walks in 2019.
8:22 |
: Dan I made green chicken chili tonight. What’s your ruling on that
8:22 |
: Possibly not OFFICIAL chili, but it was probably good. I’m a chili fundamentalist!
8:22 |
: Glasnow does have some control issues tonight; his stuff looks awesome though.
8:22 |
: 44 doubles seems like a lot, more than I thought Seager would’ve had
8:22 |
: Glasnow feels he was just missing early in his last start, and a bit wilder later on.
8:23 |
: does anyone have Will Smith’s xSLG in the playoffs? Seems like he’s been crushing it right at fielders
8:23 |
: I can get it!
8:23 |
: These “most in a post season” records are irritating — they’re comparing 20 games to 4 or 5 games in some cases.
8:23 |
: Concur.
8:24 |
: Will Smith’s xSLG for the playoffs this year is .355.
8:25 |
: Among players with 20 AB this postseason, Giancarlo Stanton leads.
8:26 |
: Oops, that was just regular SLG!
8:26 |
: And 2-0. Seager would likely be MVP if a Dodgers win today would have won the Series.
8:27 |
: So to correct myself from earlier, Smith’s xSLG for the playoffs is .494.
8:27 |
: Sarah Langs on Twitter: “Tyler Glasnow’s strikeout of Justin Turner came on a curveball with a 3,275 rpm spin rate.”
8:28 |
8:28 |
: Minimum 20 PA. Seager at second place.
8:28 |
: Hey Dan is here, my vote last night counted!
8:29 |
: This is likely my last chat for the postseason unless they need reinforcements. Trust me, you would get tired of too much of me. I get tired of too much of me.
8:29 |
: Does it seem to anyone else that Smoltz has been…fine the past couple games? Do you think anyone said anything to him?
8:29 |
: Smoltz is underrated.
8:30 |
: As I said yesterday, Smoltz is great when he’ll allowed to talk about his wheelhouse.
8:30 |
: When he talks about the art of actually pitching, he’s one of the best.
8:30 |
: I think you forget the broadcasters when the game is excellent.
8:30 |
: Lets do this! Hoping to see Kershaw shut the critics down with a stellar performance.
8:30 |
: Earlier today Kevin Cash called Clayton Kershaw, “one of the game’s all-time best.”
8:30 |
: The games we complain the most do appear to be the least exciting games.
8:31 |
: “I’ve noticed the umpires haven’t gotten any attention this WS. They should’ve had me in there!! We need more unnecessary drama and attention!”
8:32 |
: Umpires should all be from the Milford school: Neither seen nor heard.
8:32 |
: With Kershaw in mind, the Dodgers and Twins went into 1965 World Series Game 5 tied at two games each. Sandy Koufax threw a four-hit shutout. Three days later he threw a three-hit shutout in Game 7.
8:32 |
: I would never get tired of you, Dan. Okay, maybe “never” is strong but certainly not before this series ends.
8:33 |
: Here he is, Babe Arozarena
8:33 |
: You can always tell a Milford man
8:33 |
: Game will be tied within 3 pitches.
8:34 |
: Kershaw definitely has a plan against Arozarena.
8:34 |
: “I know I put this curse on the Dodgers, but I kinda want Kershaw to do well tonight and the Dodgers to just win the series finally. I mean, I kinda feel bad honestly”
8:35 |
: The Devil used to be a part of the Tampa Bay ownership
8:35 |
: Every single one of Kershaw’s pitches could be stacked on top of each other. It’s uncanny.
8:35 |
: Baseball is a game of inches.
8:36 |
: oooooooooooh man
8:36 |
: Would have been fair if he had been jumping Fisk-style.
8:36 |
: ”what can I say. I’ve got my hands in a lot of baskets. Sorry not sorry”
8:37 |
: That was about my golf swing…and result.
8:37 |
: Wait people had fun last night? I thought it was just my recurring nightmares about games 2 and 5 of 2017. It was the 3rd time I’ve seen that baseball game and it always ends badly
8:37 |
: *I* had fun!
8:37 |
: That was Taylor made.
8:37 |
: *enormous sigh of relief*
8:39 |
: I still can’t believe they kept the Folger’s commercial after the Jeff Toobin stuff!
8:40 |
: “I sneezed to keep that one foul. You’re welcome. Ok that’s it for me, time to morph back into my regular form: Rob Manfred”
8:40 |
Corey Seager is a candidate to become the 8th player to win LCS and WS MVP honors in the same year. The others: Bumgarner, 2014; Freese, 2011; Hamels, 2008; Hernandez, 1997; Hershiser, 1988; Porter, 1982; Stargell, 1979. |
8:41 |
: Re: David’s quote of Glasnow on executing better. As a Dodger fan I am greatly encouraged and think Glasnow is very wrong about that. Trying to get the Dodgers to swing and miss outside the zone is unlikely to end well and doubling down on it is the best possible thing from my perspective
8:42 |
: Honestly, if people had the key to defeating the Dodgers, they wouldn’t have been 43-17! Plans and four quarters gets you a dollar against prime Mike Tyson.
8:43 |
8:43 |
: Joc PedeHRgone.
8:43 |
: Joc, jam
8:43 |
: he’s doing his best to make Joctober a thing
8:43 |
: My heart is heavy but I love the thought of a full night of sleep if this game is noncompetitive.
8:44 |
: For personal reasons, I just don’t want it to be 6 hours!
8:44 |
: Last night was a reminder that you stick around for the end.
8:46 |
: Back for the Patriots/Falcons Super Bowl, my girlfriend and I left the Super Bowl party we were at when it was 28-9 in the 4th because she had work the next day and couldn’t skip it. Got back to the house and turned on the TV to see if the game was still on and I was surprsied to see the Patriots celebrating!
8:46 |
: I went to bed a little after one last night and got up this morning at seven. Count me among those not wanting another four-plus-hour game.
8:46 |
: And unless the Rays pull Glasnow I doubt it’s going to be much of a nailbiter. My goodness.
8:46 |
: Game 3 in 2018 ended at 3:36 EDT, the Red Sox lost yet it still is a great memory.
8:47 |
: Patriots fans didn’t celebrate today. Nor did Falcons fans.
8:47 |
: Luckily, I’m a night owl. When baseball season’s in full blast, I tend to sleep from 4-10 and then I take a 2 hour nap before the 7 PM games.
8:48 |
: It’s these cursed hats the rays are wearing. They look like the bad guy from aquaman
8:48 |
: “We wear them for luck, only good things happened when were the Devil Rays!” (not a quote)
8:48 |
: I get they’re the owners and they can do what they want. And maybe I’m just unaware, but do they generally have the knowledge to overrule things the baseball ops department decides on? Or do they usually just interject for monetary reasons (like what was the word on the Joc/Stripling deal getting nixed)?
8:49 |
: It depends. There’s a huge array of how different franchises function.
8:49 |
: The Rays hats are neither as stylish nor as evil as Black Manta.
8:50 |
: Joc/Stripling deal was because Moreno was sick of waiting and didn’t like feeling beholden to the Dodgers. Of course they were both terrible this year so it probably worked out well for them.
8:50 |
: The Angels really *should have* closed the deal though.
8:50 |
: Was Bill Buckner “great?” Maybe just some friendly courtesy
8:50 |
: The Joc deal got held up and the word was that Moreno didn’t want the delay
8:50 |
: Luis Rengifo was worse
8:51 |
: Fun fact: Bill Buckner’s last career home run was an inside-the-parker.
8:51 |
: Man Bruce Willis got old.
8:51 |
: Arozarena has been amazing, and has me wondering how good Franco will be. Can you give me an example of the gap between them with two players currently in the bigs?
8:52 |
: Aro’s been terrific, been Wander has mega-superstar potential that Aro can’t touch.
8:52 |
: Wasn’t Buckner batting champ or MVP or something one year?
8:52 |
: I know you said currently, but Dom DiMaggio was a really good player.
8:52 |
: In 1980 withe the Cubs.
8:53 |
: But he was never going to be *Joe*. How did I pull *that* particular name switch? SMDH
8:53 |
: How many megasuperstars are currently playing
8:54 |
: That’s always in the eye of the beholder. I’m thinking top 5ish guys
8:54 |
: People getting gushy about Arozarena forget what Aristedes Aquino looked like in 19. Guys start as phenoms much more frequently than they’re able to sustain it when the league gets to scout their weakness for a season of PAs. Arozarena could be a mega star and he may also be playing the best 50 games of his career at the best possible time
8:55 |
: Dom DiMaggio pulled a hammy in the eighth inning of the “Pesky Held the Ball” Game 7 and had to be replaced in center by Leon Culberson, a less-accomplished fielder. Played a role in Enos Slaughter’s mad dash.
8:56 |
: So Dan, just confirming, you don’t use playoff stats in ZiPS?
8:56 |
: No, I always do!
8:56 |
: I tested years ago with ZiPS and with Marcel. Slightly improves the accuracy.
8:56 |
: Which makes sense, these aren’t exhibition games, they’re games that *super* count against the best teams in baseball!
8:56 |
: Wouldn’t it be weird if we only evaluated boxers by non-championship fights?
8:57 |
: Playoff stats seem way more useful this year with extra games in the postseason and less games in the regular season. Much larger increase in the sample
8:57 |
: They’re always useful though!
8:57 |
: That was Margot’s birthday present to John Smoltz.
8:57 |
: Speaking of bunting, last night’s failed sacrifice by Enrique Hernandez was a defendable strategy IMO. Had it been successful the Dodgers would have had a runner on third, one out, and Betts — a great hitter with a relatively low K rate — at the plate. If you pitch around him, you get Seager and Turner.
8:58 |
: Sacrifice bunts are mostly bad, but there are exceptions.
8:58 |
: Arozarena has nine homers against the Yankees, Astros, Dodgers. Why should those not be in projections? These were games that mattered and these were things that he DID.
8:58 |
: Kershaw’s at that age where he gets a handicap, huh?
8:58 |
: That call was kind of outrageous.
8:59 |
: “I talked to Dave last night. If he loses the World Series, we’ll offer him as tribute in Manfred’s Inaugural 2021 Hunger Games”
8:59 |
: David, that’s the rub of the bunt though isn’t it? “If it’s successful.” I think the criticism is the chance that it wasn’t successful, PLUS the diminished chance of a regular hit working out.
9:00 |
: If you run the numbers on bunts, it doesn’t take a very high successful bunt hit rate for the calculus to become much better.
9:00 |
: I like bunts when it’s a situation and with a guy where it *could* be a sacrifice, but there’s a real chance it could be *more*.
9:00 |
: And really, the threat of a bunt has value.
9:00 |
: Though I’m not sure how to do the math with that.
9:00 |
: Have you run Aroz’s projections for next year? Im very curious for fantasy
9:00 |
: I did in one of the Live events for FG!
9:01 |
: The Eric/Ben casts.
9:01 |
: I don’t have it handy.
9:01 |
: And I don’t have the ZiPS SuperComputer open right now.
9:03 |
: 42 yards for Renfroe with the Raiders and then a game tonight!
9:03 |
: (Sorry)
9:03 |
: My memory of the Arrozarena ZiPS projection was above average regular
9:03 |
: Max Muncy has a sort of insane career postseason batting line
9:03 |
: Glasnow is getting hit *very* hard
9:06 |
: IMHO, all the discussions on bunt in recent days are skewed, because NO ONE CAN BUNT
9:07 |
: Striking out on a wild pitch is peak Glasnow.
9:07 |
That’s a World Series record for Glasnow: 3 wild pitches in one game.
: Per Tyler Kepner: |
9:08 |
: The Raiders also have an AJ Cole. I was super confused the first time I realized this, as it was at the same time I realized they had a Hunter Renfrow. Spooky
9:08 |
: And there’s still time to beat it!
9:12 |
: Jeffrey Toobin is way ahead of you Dan
9:12 |
: I give all FanGraphs readers my Yes Pants Guarantee.
9:12 |
: Will one of Wander Franco or Willy Adames have to move to third base in the future Rays infield?
9:12 |
: The Rays never stand still as a roster, they’ll cross that path when they get to it.
9:16 |
FWIW: Hunter Renfroe was asked the other day if he’d like to see some of this year’s new rules, such as a runner on second in extra innings, and seven-inning doubleheaders, carry over to next season. His response: “I want to go back to baseball.”
: |
9:17 |
: Hunter Retroe.
9:17 |
: looks like Zunino wasn’t expecting the … fastball right down the middle
9:17 |
: I like bunts because of the |
9:17 |
: “I rubbed Magic Johnson’s head last night and it said we would win the series”
9:18 |
: Rays on the board!
9:19 |
: Terrible route by Betts…
9:19 |
: Betts played that into a triple
9:19 |
: A triple from a big slow guy! Exciting plays in baseball! Take that Hunter Retroe!
9:19 |
: “Because of Hunter Renfroes insolence, in 2021 we’ll be having 1 inning doubleheaders, with each inning consisting of 21 outs”
9:19 |
: that’s the correct response
9:22 |
: IMO Glasnow is like Freddy Peralta, but even more so. When he’s on, he’s completely unhittable. When he’s off, you just have to pull him.
9:22 |
: worth noting that Randy Arozarena has also tied the record for most games played in a single postseason
9:22 |
: “I’m not a monster though. After 10 outs, both teams will get a 5 min break to go pee and have an orange slice. But we’re still contracting the hell out of the minor leagues”
9:24 |
: Meanwhile, I just opened a bottle of Smuttynose Old Brown Dog. This baseball contest merits one (or more).
9:25 |
: Why didn’t Morosi also mention that if the Rays win Arozarena will also be MVP of both series?
9:25 |
: Randeadmeat Arozarena.
9:26 |
: How awesome would a un-assisted quadruple play be in such an inning, Mob?
9:26 |
: Too many outs on the bases for the Rays this series. Obviously would have had another last night had Smith caught the throw in the ninth.
9:26 |
: Echo & the Bunnymen’s The Killing Moon should be required to be played every time an announcer says twin killing.
9:26 |
: kershaw threw a couple 82-83 mph sliders that half inning. smack in the middle of his avg slider and curveball velos. they looked a little loopier too, interesting to watch
9:28 |
: Just saw a political ad on my TV and somehow refrained from throwing my bottle of Old Brown Dog at the screen.
9:28 |
: “Twin Killing” is really just what the Yankees do. It’s not a K-CS.
9:29 |
: “future me needs this beer and this TV”
9:29 |
: Yes.
9:29 |
: As a Twins fan I’ve always hated that phrase
9:29 |
: I’m enjoying a delicious Copper Legend from Jack’s Abby. A great October fest beer
9:30 |
: The Twins going into a playoff series: WITNESS ME BROTHERS!
9:30 |
: I’m not drinking anything because I’m losing weight to take some pressure off my poor back.
9:30 |
: Water, without bubbles and gin!
9:30 |
: As a father of twins I’ve always hated that saying
9:30 |
: This is the first WS since my state legalized weed.
9:31 |
: fun fact: Brett Phillips now has a career cWPA of +29.1%. Jeter’s career cWPA was +1.5%
9:34 |
: “In 2022, we’ll be instituting the “Playoff Cryo Chambers. Each team can freeze one player per season and thaw them out for the playoffs, decreasing chance of injury and increasing said players effectiveness. It’ll be called the Pederson Playoff Preservation Plan, and only cost each team a player of their choice offered up for the annual Hunger Games. Choose wisely, and may the odds be ever in your favor”
9:34 |
: Would Glasnow be more effective today if he hadn’t thrown so many pitches in game 1?
9:34 |
: Glasnow has hung in well, which is something the Rays really need.
9:35 |
: I’m not sure, there’s always a chance he goes erratic. As David says, Glasnow didn’t collapse after a rough start.
9:35 |
: All of a sudden, a QS for Glasnow isn’t out of reach
9:37 |
: Cole, Glasnow, Taillon would be a strong top three.
9:37 |
: @kevinthecomic I would still very much take the under on him hitting a QS
9:37 |
: Are Cash and Roberts going to push Glasnow and Kershaw too far out of concern for their bullpens, given the number of pitchers used last night?
9:38 |
: Day off tomorrow impacts those decisions, I’d think.
9:38 |
: Cole, Taillon, Glasnow is nice, but Williams, Empty Husk of Chris Archer, and, uh, Steven Brault(?) isn’t half bad, thanks very much.
9:39 |
: Tyler Gladequatenow is all Jeff Sullivan wants tonight.
9:39 |
: Chancy by Margot, and perhaps lucky.
9:39 |
9:39 |
9:40 |
: If you throw 11 pitches at once, you’ll always be effective!
9:40 |
9:40 |
9:40 |
: Margot came off lol
9:40 |
: Oh boy, Taylor.
9:40 |
: Dodgers are really metsing it up
9:41 |
: It’s easy to make fun of the Pirates for trading Glasnow for Archer but when you consider they also would’ve kept Austin Meadows it’s even easier.
9:41 |
: I hate the review process where a runner maybe was a fraction of an inch off the base for a fraction of second.
9:41 |
: Dan why the hell are you familiar with the Taylor Ham vs pork roll debates?
9:41 |
: I’m from the east coast.
9:41 |
: I hate these replays that look into incidental loss of a contact between a runner and the base
9:41 |
: man if your torso and body are sliding directly OVER the bag, that should be safe.
9:41 |
: I agree with the review comment for sure.
9:41 |
: Yeah that would be very unfortunate if they reversed it, I hate that
9:41 |
: Asking for this type of challenge is so asinine. Just fucking stop it
9:42 |
: Baserunning is playing a role this series
9:42 |
: I love a Taylor pork roll sandwich. My mom orders cases delivered and fills up her freezer and I walk over and steal a bunch fo them
9:42 |
: Your job as the runner is to stay on the bag, if you’re going too fast that you can’t hold the bag, that’s your own fault and you should go more under control
9:43 |
: Since physically it’s impossible to actually touch anything atom to atom, someone should challenge every baserunning play
9:43 |
: don’t cut four slices into a pork roll or it comes out looking like an iron cross after cooking
9:43 |
: On a related note, VAR in soccer is not a great thing.
9:43 |
: I guess the other side of it is you have to credit Fox for the camera work in this Series.
9:43 |
: Just another area where old time baseball was far better than this. If you beat the ball you were safe unless there was an egregious situation.
9:44 |
: Steve Nebraska, agreed, but this kind of call was NEVER made pre-replay. Technically, it’s correct, but I believe it’s not in line with the spirit of the rule. IMO
9:44 |
: A couple years ago I saw someone suggest a vertical column above the base and as long as the runner has achieved the base he remains safe. I think it was after Terrance Gore was caught this way?
9:44 |
: It’s like I can palpably feel this game slipping away into another chaotic mess that the Dodgers will never win in a million years
9:45 |
: Why do we need all these specifics about how to change the replay rule when they can easily do what they just did: call the runner safe even though he clearly came off while the tag was applied
9:45 |
: do we want to reward speed, or ability to perfectly control every millisecond of your slide?
9:45 |
9:45 |
: A lot of Dodgers fans aren’t filled with positivity.
9:45 |
: Kershaw is losing it
9:45 |
: “Safety” is an illusion.
9:46 |
: There’s nothing quite like the excitement of postseason baseball to bring out the immense negativity of all fanbases.
9:46 |
: The pessimism of LA fans is interesting, because I think they’re pretty clearly outplayed TB thus far.
9:46 |
: I’m fatalistic at this point. I expected them to lose, I don’t know how you recover from last night. If anything it’s been better then I expected.
9:46 |
: It’s called baseball for a reason. If you are not on the base, you are not safe. If you can’t control your body or speed and hence come off the bag, you don’t deserve to be safe because you have to stay on the bag. It is that simple.
9:47 |
: A half hour ago you would not have thought i possible but it looks like Kershaw will be out before Glasnow.
9:47 |
: Do you pronounce it “fowl” or “fowel?”
9:47 |
: foul
9:47 |
: The pessimism is like the Win Probability: When I dip, you dip. We dip.
9:48 |
: Smoltz just beat to me to the comment, but this would be a good time for Adames to get it going.
9:48 |
: Re pessimism of Dodger fans: the problem with being a Dodger fan is that they aren’t playing to complete a season or mark it successful, everything they do carries 8 seasons of weight. You constantly remember previous bad beats while watching the new one play out, and the bad beats are very similar.
9:48 |
: Why shouldn’t dodger fans be fatalistic? Yeah they’ve clearly outplayed the Rays, and all they’ve got for it is a 2-2 tie in the series and the Rays have a higher win probability in this game.
9:48 |
: Ballet from Margot on the bullet.
9:49 |
: Feels like the Dodgers should be up 3-1 in this series with tonight’s game being the potential WS clincher, but Rays keep hanging around despite at times feeling totally dominated by the Dodgers
9:49 |
: Kershaw makes me sad
9:50 |
: Kershaw’s curveball still fuckin rules, man
9:50 |
: Scuffy, are you related to Jake?
9:50 |
: Wow
9:51 |
: |
9:51 |
: Wow
9:51 |
: One thing I feel like I’ve learned from the last 4 postseasons is that when games get crazy and wild and unpredictable the Dodgers are never the team capitalizing on it but the team failing in it. I was hoping for some nice boring 8-3 baseball games. We’ve had two and they won both. In 17, there were 3 and they won all 3, losing 2 insane games and 2 darvish explosions. It’s just kind of who they are
9:52 |
: !!! That really got my adrenaline up.
9:52 |
: Trivia: name the player in this series who was drafted by the Devil Rays
9:52 |
: Jake McGee of course!
9:52 |
: We just mentioned him like 2 minutes ago!
9:52 |
: I um, don’t remember seeing a steal attempt at home in the WS right away.
9:53 |
9:53 |
: The balls on this man
9:53 |
: Kershaw with ice in the veins!
9:53 |
: That was also a hell of a job by kershaw to step off the mound to avoid the balk
9:54 |
: I don’t understand ppl who are simultaneously critical of great players and lay nonstop praise on like utility players. Like constantly going in on a guy like Giancarlo but loving a Brock Holt type. Just the level of expectation? Aesthetic preferences?
9:54 |
: A successful straight steal of home would have been really, really, cool.
9:55 |
: David, it would not have been cool!
9:56 |
: Sorry, it would have been.
9:56 |
: Counterpoint: it would have been cool.
9:56 |
Would a Successful Steal of Home Be Cool?
Yes (97.6% | 127 votes)
No (2.3% | 3 votes)
Total Votes: 130
9:56 |
: This game is as good as last night’s, but might be tough to match the ending.
9:57 |
: “In 2023, we’ll be outlawing steals of home. But you’ll be allowed to steal First Base”
9:57 |
: I’m forced to vote yes but this specific steal of home would not be cool
9:57 |
: Conservation of steals
9:58 |
: Craig, it is that people are asked to get the most out of what they were gifted with. Stanton was given great talent but , for various reasons, has only shown them on occasion. Brock Holt got 99.9% out of gifts.
9:58 |
: There’s a kind of white scrappydom bias too.
9:58 |
: JFC Tyler just throwing garbage after two straight strikes.
9:58 |
: after all the bad glovework in very recent memory, I was thinking that Margot HAD to try something. But I was shocked by the steal attempt!
9:58 |
: Hey, Craig! Agreed. I think a large part historically of the praise for the “hard-working” but “less talented” athlete is rationalizing a preference for white players? These are the guys who “play the game the right way.”
9:59 |
: I remember an SI poll of players like 15 years ago
9:59 |
: All the “Most Underrated” players were white
9:59 |
: Wasn’t sure about a second Old Brown Dog, but if guys are trying to steal home… dammit, I’m having another Dog!
9:59 |
: Craig asked the question that no one wants to answer with racism, but is probably actually racism
9:59 |
: Fun to see Yogi Berra melting down at the ump in that clip of Jackie Robinson stealing home. It’s such a contrast to the affable image Yogi developed after he retired as a player.
10:00 |
: honestly, the unsuccessful steal of home was pretty cool too.
10:00 |
: Melting down against an ump *is* affable!
10:00 |
: {Variety headline voice}: Quants Shun Bunts; Dunces Denounce Fun Daring Baserunning Stunts
10:00 |
: @Craig: I think it also has to do with the opportunity cost of the inflexible roster slots and committed money that could have gone to alternative talent. ALSO, as a dodger fan, I gush over the high performance of the scrappy types. The narratives behind Turner, Muncy, and Taylor is just so fun and inspiring.
10:01 |
: Some dash, others blast.
10:01 |
: Stanton was blessed with talent and also cursed with injuries. If you start from presumed physical advantages you have to acknowledge all of the ways someone’s body can affect their game. Your very gifted body can also be one of your obstacles.
10:01 |
: about that Glasnow QS…
10:01 |
: Maximum Muncy has arrived
10:01 |
: Maximuncy
10:01 |
: Max Muncyard.
10:02 |
: Unless I’m wrong, Edwin Jackson was the last active player to have appeared in a game for the Devil Rays?
10:03 |
: edwin Jackson wkll
10:03 |
: Scrappy dudes are aspirational. And their failures forgiven. But baseball is a game of failure. Everyone fails constantly. No one is gifted enough to overcome that reality. But from one whom little is expected, all success is found money.
10:03 |
: edwin Jackson will be the last active player for like 13 teams
10:03 |
: A successful steal of home would have been cool. A barely unsuccessful steal of home was cool.
10:03 |
: Waiting eagerly to see whether Edwin Jackson or Bartolo Colon will come back in 2021, just to see which franchise (Expos v Devil Rays) has the longest-lasting ex-player.
10:04 |
: Jackson’s “just” 37!
10:04 |
: Bellinger’s little tap is hilarious.
10:04 |
: Hasn’t Glasnow now thrown 200 plus pitches over two games? Wow.
10:04 |
: Tyler Glasnow on the Dodgers lineup: “They’re all still human. There are definitely some holes and some things you can do to get them out. But they are a very talented team.”
10:06 |
: Verducci made a good point in saying that if Renfroe had been in motion, he might have distracted Kershaw, and Margot might well have been safe
10:06 |
: I still can’t believe that Glasnow is in the game and that he hasn’t completely given it away yet.
10:06 |
: I think Edwin Jackson is also the last player to appear for the Cleveland Spiders, and also the St. Louis Browns.
10:06 |
: Edwin Jackson was also on the Brooklyn Bridgegrooms.
10:06 |
: When I dip, you dip. We dip.
10:08 |
: Roberts pulled Urias to early yesterday- exposing the shakiness of his bullpen. he’s gonna keep Kershaw in too long in this one as a direct consequence, right?
10:08 |
: Kershaw now has the career strikeout record for the playoffs.
10:08 |
: Which has reduced its pressure more this evening … Szymborski’s back from no drinking … or Rays bullpen from Glasnow getting 15 outs?
10:08 |
: heh
10:08 |
: The Lads vs. Tuberculosis
10:09 |
: I so don’t want to see Kershaw out there too long. I am not rooting for anybody, just enjoying it all, but I would rather not see that again.
10:09 |
: “Things are going a litttttle too well for the Dodgers. Should I start stretching?”
10:09 |
: Kershaw feels like he finally hit a groove here
10:10 |
: Has Kershaw traditionally done better against eventual playoff teams during the regular season than he has in the actual postseason?
10:10 |
: I would imagine so, but I haven’t looked at this specifically.
10:10 |
: Because his ERA is higher than you’d expect against the teams he actually faced.
10:10 |
: I spoke too soon…
10:11 |
: Did statcast miss the Muncy dinger? Dying to know the exit velo
10:12 |
: They’re always slightly behind, they just got into the 5th
10:12 |
: A World Series MVP vote would be definitely interesting right now
10:13 |
: We should do our WS MVP poll here
10:13 |
: Hang on!
10:15 |
: For Nick: statcast doesn’t miss dingers but certain balls trigger a second calculation to double check the results and those won’t appear in the gamefeed until the game is over. Mlb statcast guys tend to tweet them out. They get rechecked because they produce unlikely seemingly results
10:16 |
If the World Series Ended Right Now, Who is Your MVP?
Corey Seager (45.1% | 56 votes)
Justin Turner (4.8% | 6 votes)
Brett Phillips (4.0% | 5 votes)
Kevin Kiermaier (0% | 0 votes)
Randy Arozarena (16.1% | 20 votes)
Brandon Lowe (1.6% | 2 votes)
Walker Buehler (2.4% | 3 votes)
Clayton Kershaw (6.4% | 8 votes)
KenlOL Jansen (2.4% | 3 votes)
Total Votes: 124
10:16 |
: With this summer’s trade deadline approaching I asked Mike Elias about the value of relievers. His answer included, “I think their impact is going to decide some of these races maybe a little bit more than normal.” It’s fair to say that applies to the World Series.
10:16 |
: Randy Arozarena is an anagram for Radar Ran Ya Zone
10:17 |
: Let’s say Kershaw puts up a full year next year somewhat in line with his last 3 (160-180 IP, at or just below 3.00 ERA), what does he next contract look like? 3-4 years 18-22 AAV? More?
10:17 |
: He’ll get 4 years at solid money per
10:17 |
: I think he can get 4/100
10:17 |
: Though it’s hard to see where MLB will be money-wise.
10:19 |
: Max Muncy has a 1.192 OPS in the Seris.
10:20 | : Jim Kaat was the last active Washington Senator — Willie Mays the last active New York Giant — courtesy baseball almanac |
10:21 |
: Kaat was out-pitched by Koufax in Games 5 and 7 of the 1965 World Series.
10:23 |
: In me, who’s the better MLB player. Luis Robert or Arozarena?
10:23 |
: I’d go with Robert, but it’s a good question.
10:24 |
: You mean future hall of famer Jim Kaat
10:24 |
: He has an argument.
10:24 |
: i haven’t done the math, but it seems every time I peek at a box score, the Rays’ pitch counts are always way way above those of the Dodgers
10:24 |
: How is Rob Lowe always on my tv during sports games
10:24 |
: You say that like it’s a bad thing
10:25 |
: @Vacuum, I think it would all be equal, because a hit baseball would likely fly forever in you
10:29 |
: Dustin May has had a not-great postseason, but there’s no questioning the talent. That said, I can see the result of this outing impacting his psyche more than a little.
10:29 |
: Do you think they are taking kershaw out too early?
10:30 |
: Dave Roberts wished he had the Rays’ relievers.
10:30 |
: I think that’s the exact right call on Kershaw.
10:31 |
: I *almost* want to see the bullpen blow it just so Roberts can throw a bat at the internet and scream, “Are you not entertained?”
10:31 |
: I’d have left him in to face Margot at least
10:31 |
: It’s better to pull a starting pitcher too early, before he has a chance to lose the game, than too late. Bobby Cox taught me that.
10:31 |
: Well, I assume Dustin May definitely isn’t starting tomorrow
10:32 |
: errr the day after
10:32 |
: I feel like the Dodgers must know something about pitch counts hitting ~85 pitches, this seems to be a trend
10:35 |
: I would also love to see some of the math/analysis behind May’s usage this postseason. It’s been hard for me to understand
10:35 |
: This McDonald’s commercial does not feature Shane McClanahan as a meal option.
10:35 |
: We’re assuming May comes back out. But maybe he doesn’t? (was thinking of your comment, Dan)
10:35 |
: If Dave Roberts had the Rays relievers, he’d use all of them every single game
10:35 |
: Seemed more about batters faced than pitches if you want to take Rosenthal’s word
10:35 |
: …@Marnie, that was a “hitting the golf ball forever down a paved road in relation to your forever hit baseball” joke.
10:36 |
: Bottom line is – who has the best chance to get the next guy out, Kershaw or May? If anyone thinks it’s May, they need their head checked. Fresh guy, struggling..versus in the zone guy cruising.
10:36 |
: Camping World sounds like hell.
10:36 |
: Time to put a little more pressure on my back with another beer, zombie dust pale ale from 3 floyds
10:36 |
: The only good thing about my sore back is that it gets me out of camping. I’m very happy for my girlfriend to go camping with her camping friends without me!
10:37 |
: Camping is awesome!
10:37 |
: Banned!
10:37 |
: IPAs are disgusting and should be banned
10:37 |
: Also banned!
10:39 |
: Oh boy, banning people for enjoying camping, this chat is going to get small
10:39 |
: We only ban people who are camping at the bit.
10:40 |
: Is this how FanGraphs becomes a fascist state
10:40 |
: I didn’t really ban anyone!
10:40 |
: She bought the old ” sore back” excuse?
10:40 |
: Having surgery to get out of camping would be a great scheme!
10:41 |
: All talk, and no action. Typical politician, Dan!
10:41 |
: Can’t say I didn’t warn you.
10:41 |
10:41 |
: Dan is basically reverse Jeff
10:41 |
: Ffej?
10:42 |
: Ffej Navillus does sound like a Jedi.
10:42 |
: 85 pitches is max allowed tonight, giving Roberts option to bring back Kershaw for 3 batters in a potential Game 7?
10:42 |
: Is it wrong that I can only read “Dan Szymborski” in the voice of that guy from the soap opera
10:42 |
: Randy Johnson threw 104 pitches in 2001 Game 6 before coming out of the bullpen the next night in Game 7.
10:43 |
: Kershaw ≠ Johnson
10:43 |
: Sale = Johnson
10:44 |
: Hey Dave, it’s Y&R canon like it or not!
10:44 | : |
10:45 |
: Johnson was not necessarily great in the postseason before 2001
10:45 |
: Remember when Bonds Chokes in the Postseason was the narrative?
10:45 |
: I’ll never forgive Torre for having the middle infield play in on the grass instead of normal depth in that 2001 WS. Jeter would have caught that wack little Luis Gonzales broken bat flare!
10:45 |
: Sorry Dan but I’ve already penciled in Meg for 2024
10:45 |
: Meg would be a way better president than me.
10:46 |
: But if she’s president, who will turn my ramblings into English?
10:46 |
: Kwah is angry!
10:46 |
: Dustin May looks like a Ginger Weird Al. Discuss.
10:46 |
: McCarver was saying Mo’s cutter generates a lot of flairs.
10:47 |
: 2020 has me wistfully wishing for the good ole days of November 2001, alas.
10:47 |
: If we go back to 2001, I have to make ZiPS ALL OVER AGAIN
10:47 |
: Though I guess I don’t really need to since I’ll have an amazing knowledge of what happens from 2002-2020
10:47 |
: Kershaw WS 11.2 IP 3R 7H 3BB 12K, postseason 30.2 IP 2.93 ERA 36K. Best postseason of his career and not close
10:47 |
: May looks much better this appearance than he did at the start of his last two. Hitting 101 consistently
10:48 |
: Nice catch Joc!
10:48 |
: Dan the great part of having to code something again is that it’s way easier when you know how
10:48 |
: Biff Tannenszymborski.
10:48 |
: Where does Pederson play next season?
10:48 |
: Let’s say Cleveland LOL the Indians signing an outfielder
10:48 |
: Pederson is actually kind of the perfect Ray
10:49 |
: Except for liking to get paid in money.
10:49 |
: Cleveland was my first thought and Dan beat me to it
10:49 |
: I still think Buck and McCarver was a pretty good pair. (please don’t) Shoot me.
10:49 |
: Fun Fact: Tim McCarver made his MLB debut at age 17 and played his last game at age 38.
10:50 |
: Is Zips rules-based logic or does it use machine learning?
10:50 |
: It’s soft machine learning; a lot of cluster analysis.
10:50 |
: It’s weird to hear “Immigrant Song” in a car commercial.
10:51 |
: Not a good explanation
10:52 |
: ZiPS uses large cohorts of players to compare to and generates curves on the fly.
10:52 |
: Soft Machine was an English rock band featuring Robert Wyatt.
10:52 |
: Joc defense always makes me sad. Pretty sure Taylor catches the bloop he couldn’t reach in the 9th last night if Bellinger was in CF
10:55 |
: Ryan Sherriff evokes memories of Sheriff Blake pitching for the Cubs in the 1929 World Series.
10:57 |
: Rock is going the way of CG. Saying this give me an enormous pain.
10:57 |
: McCarver and Kaat, mentioned tonight, are members of the 4 decade club.
10:57 |
: And the band was named for a novel by William S. Burroughs.
10:58 |
: Never heard that.
10:58 |
: David, are you old enough to have memories of the 1929 World Series?
10:58 |
: So, some combo of cluster analysis and regression?
10:58 |
: More or less, there’s more than that.
10:58 |
: There’s a lot of “parts” of ZiPS
10:58 |
: These Siri ads where they ask a question and don’t get an answer are kind of odd
10:58 |
: No, but I’m closer than the majority of people in this chat.
10:59 |
: From our poll yesterday, the median age in this chat appears to be early-mid 30s.
10:59 |
: Ryan Sheriff and Jacob Nottingham would make an interesting battery
10:59 |
: Pretty rare to see a lefty Sherriff in Texas.
10:59 |
: I laughed.
11:00 |
: Wasn’t there an Andy Griffith, Sherriff Taylor joke yesterday
11:00 |
Justin Turner is envious of Dustin May’s hair. It’s a good question.
: Bill James just asked on Twitter if |
11:01 |
: I’d never heard of Soft Machine before but I’m listening now and it’s good stuff
11:01 |
: Good stuff. I’m a bit of a music geek.
11:03 |
: Soft Machine very good stuff! and just found out that Wyatt was also on the first few Brian Eno solo albums! Taking Tiger Mountain is a new (old) fave of mine
11:03 |
: Brian Eno rules.
11:04 |
Hypothetical: What if Ji-Man Choi does his splits while wearing Walker Buehler’ss pants?
: |
11:04 |
: Plenty of Choi splits questions in his last media session. Yes, he does pilates.
11:05 |
: Tsutsugo against May? May’s just going to blow him away, right?
11:05 |
: Rob Manfred signs a 10 yr sponsorship deal with JNCO to ensure no future wardrobe malfunctions
11:05 |
: Brian Eno, of course, being the inspiration for the parents of former FanGraphs writer Eno Sarris
11:06 |
: Biiig Waluigi Energy
11:06 |
: “Ji-Man Choi is the man.” — Tyler Glasnow, yesterday.
11:06 |
: Roberts is actually managing as I thought someone should. Surprise!
11:07 |
11:07 |
: Also, tight pants are in the Dodgers DNA. It’s the prototypical ex-Brooklynite who moved to Echo Park/Silver Lake. Everyone else in their 20s and 30s within spitting distance from Dodger stadium is in tight jeans
11:08 |
: Wyatt’s solo stuff (Rock Bottom, Shleep, etc.) is great too.
11:09 |
: Kevin Cash: “Personally, we try to prioritize what’s in the moment.”
11:12 |
: I am super nervous right now.
11:12 |
: We want Arozarena hitting with two on, right? Max drama.
11:12 |
: Unless you are a Dodger fan!!
11:12 |
: I have no vested interest, but this sure feels like a big moment
11:13 |
: oh goddddddd im going to die of anxiety right NOW
11:15 |
: If Arozarena hits it out, construction of the statue outside Tropicana will commence tomorrow.
11:16 |
11:16 |
: Better make that statue easy to move, oh, nevermind…
11:16 |
: “May against Randy? Nahhh let’s get a lefty against him makes sense”
11:16 |
the hair has to give seager a little bit of a bonus right |
11:17 |
: If Arozarena hits it out John Mozeliak and Dave Roberts can work together for whatever the next expansion team ends up being named
11:17 |
: Lowe has been either awesome or terrible at every moment.
11:17 |
: And no matter how hot a hitter is, he still gets out in the majority of at bats
11:17 |
11:17 |
: How do we really pronounce “Lowe”? I don’t trust these announcers.
11:17 |
: Lao. Everyone else in the world is Low.
11:18 |
11:20 |
: That was not optimal bullpen strategy but it worked, because baseball is funny that way.
11:21 |
: Managing with a sketchy pen ain’t simple.
11:21 |
: David you pulled Soft Machine from that line of the chat but didn’t pull out the Cluster reference from the very same line?!
11:22 |
: Missed it. I have multiple Cluster CDs.
11:24 |
: But is the dodgers pen actually sketchy
11:25 |
: Probably a bad word choice on my part. Let’s just say it isn’t what it could be.
11:27 |
: Who do u trust more: Treinen or Graterol?
11:27 |
: Treinen.
11:29 |
11:30 |
: Margot, Meadows, Wendle due up, I believe.
11:32 |
: Brett Phillips available on the bench!
11:32 |
: Let’s see if they can keep the ball on the ground and not pop out every at bat
11:32 |
: Tension mounting
11:33 |
: Again, it’s a shame this is played in a neutral site.
11:33 |
: Not really pulling for either team, but a ninth inning comeback is always fun. Two in a row would be great!
11:34 |
: “Came back just to give the Rays a little hope and to watch the Dodgers fans sweat”
11:35 |
: We need more young people to Manny Margot to the polls.
11:35 |
: @The Devil, please just leave us be for one year!
11:35 |
: Brett Phillips has a batting helmet on in the dugout, he’s ready
11:35 |
: so is there any indication as to why Meadows has been bad?
11:36 |
: Meadows has definitely struggled.
11:37 |
: Treinen had 38 saves two years ago.
11:38 |
: They could have used Ji-Man Choi Here.
11:38 |
: Dan and David. Thanks for the chat.
11:38 |
: See you for game 6!
11:39 |
: Thanks all for coming out!
11:40 |
: Sorry, i had to run to the bathroom. Was trying to hold it in and missed the first two batters!
11:40 |
: Quality game. Not as good as last might, but good nonetheless. Thanks for chatting.
11:40 |
: Remember to come to FanGraphs for chats of the final two games!
11:40 |
: Thank you guys!
11:40 |
: yeah thanks guys, this was fun
11:40 |
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