If you are a first-time camper looking to enjoy quality time with your family, few things can make your trip smoother than a flatbed diesel truck. Large machines built for traversing uneven ground make for excellent transport vehicles, beds, and communal spaces. But before you pack the family into the truck and head for the mountains, make sure to plan ahead and review these tips for preparing your truck for camping.
Camping with a diesel truck allows for more sleeping options than traditional camping. Truck or no truck, however, tents remain a great choice, especially for long-term trips. But the flatbed of a truck can also quickly be converted into a bed. You can store your camping goods under a raised platform sleeping space made from timber, or you can just make space for yourself and your sleeping bag when you want to lie down.
Campers can also take a play out of the trucker driver’s handbook and sleep across the front seats. But most would find that pretty uncomfortable for a multi-day trip. Whichever method you choose is entirely up to you. But make sure you make a decision before you arrive at the campsite, lest you find yourself scrambling for night’s sleep.
Aside from the typical spring cleaning inherent in a diesel truck’s upkeep, there are a few additions you should think about as you prepare for your trip. If your diesel truck has no back covering, then you will have to prepare a canopy for your camping trip. A canopy protects your supplies from the elements. It also maintains your privacy when you are out camping, which may be attractive to people at large campsites with a lot of people around.
A tarp awning may be enough to get the job done, but in the colder months, you might want to consider something sturdier, like a cap. A visit to Craiglist or Facebook Marketplace could present some good canopy options, though you want to get it well in advance of the trip so you can test its efficacy.
When you go camping with a truck, a major advantage you have over non-truck campers is the space to carry food. A flatbed can accommodate coolers, which are excellent for brief trips out with friends and family.
For longer trips, trucks can carry small fridges. These can be wired to your truck’s flatbed and are indispensable for carrying meats, cheese, beer, and any other camp foods.
One of the best ways to enjoy a diesel truck is to take it out to the great outdoors. Dads hoping to use their truck to create happy memories should pack everyone in and go camping. But before you hastily jump into a rather involved undertaking, make sure to consult and learn the tips for preparing your truck for camping.
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